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Isn't it time?

Business sustainability is upon us...

Sustainability Disclosure Regulation is about to impact every jurisdiction across the world....

Achieving  Sustainability


The World is Moving - Are You? 

In 2024 sustainability is a subset of quality assurance for your business – because it connects your business with the realities our society and our economies are facing and that has financial, legal and governance impacts.


Businesses that are not across this, voluntarily accept increasing business risk, and with the pace of change and disruption, this inherent business risk increases, year on year.


But the flipside of risk is opportunity. There is a rapidly narrowing window of opportunity to transform your business into a sustainability leader, authentically and holistically, in a low-carbon economy taking shape around us as we speak, and join the movement to enable climate-resilient, environment-accountable business.

Net Positive builds on Net Zero.
Net Positive is a new way of doing business which puts back more into society, the environment and the global economy than it takes out, which changes the game for your business and for us all.

The Team at Practice Capital assisted us to embed sustainability practices and accredit us as carbon neutral for 2021, making us one of the first IT SMEs in Australia to achieve a carbon neutral status.
We are really proud of this achievement and sustainability is now in our DNA, our culture is solutions-focused and the benefit of all our hard work is now beginning to pay off. In 2024 we've just taken on 2 new local councils as clients and being a sustainable business is now beginning to open doors to the corporate world that otherwise would have been closed. As a small business competing against an array of corporate heavy-weights we cannot over-state the significance of embedding sustainability as a business strategy to our long-term success.

Dino Sheref, Director

PepNet Technologies Pty Ltd

What You achieve in this Strategy Session:

Strategy Map:

A concise description of the sustainability journey ahead for your business so you can begin to develop your sustainability strategy alligned to best practice.

Terrain: An overview of the sustainability landscape and the disclosure compliance requirements, which you may one day have to address. 

Justification : An outline of the reasons why embedding sustainability as a business strategy is no more a 'nice to have' for your business and why asute business leaders are transitioning their businesses  to become a part of the low-carbon economy now.

Outcomes: The kinds of benefits that your business can achieve by embedding sustainability, in months not years inc our new ISO14068 certification.

EOFY Rates (last days). 

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